Sunday, December 15, 2013


It seems I have fallen asleep at the wheel of life lately. I realize it has been almost a year since I graduated massage therapy school and still I have yet to retake my mBlex test. Where did my passion and fire for this go? I am planning to retake it again in February hopefully that isn't putting it off to much longer. That way its after the holiday seasons and a birthday present to myself! Time has just gotten away from me lately it feels like I can't get anything done in a timely manner. I need to just start staying up till 10pm every night studying with my practice tests. 

Do you have any tips for studying? 

Also I forgot to post my Thanksgiving post and lost it, but how was everyones Thanksgiving feasts with family? We had a really nice one at Eddie's Aunts house and then my grandmothers house!

I'm so thankful for my little family~! <3

Once again I apologize for dropping the ball and not posting my Thanksgiving post. Now its almost Christmas and I am wrapping some presents. Maybe this is why I'm not a big time mommy blogger. ;) Though I do love blogging, so even if its here and there. I will still stick to it! I promise the next post will be sooner than the new year!


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